Sunday, February 27, 2011

Horrible results

Hey, so yesterday I had a wash day, everything turned out well until I decided to do a twist out....mistake!

I pre-shampoo'd with coconut oil and let it sit for an hour  because I wanted to avoid using heat on my hair.

I then washed with Head n' Shoulders shampoo (I bought that before I started my hair journey and I have no money to buy the good products yet), this shampoo usually leaves my hair soft so i figured it would n't be bad. I followed up with Head n' Shoulders conditioner.

after that I deep conditioned for an hour with Olive Oil Replenishing Pak deep penetrating conditioner and covered the hair with a shower cap.

everything was great till I decided to do a twist out. My hair still feels really soft since I put the moisturizer and coconut oil in when it was wet.  However the twist out looks really crazy. lol

I wore the twist out to a party, my friends liked it but I still think it looks horrible :/

Now I think I made a mistake because I don't know how to to sleep with a twist out and I think its knotted with all the twists and waves. Plus I know when i comb it out its gonna be a big puff after......

I need help!!

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